I am always happy to talk about any of the following and as I speak to more businesses and people then the list keeps growing... never stop learning...
Business (Process, Getting Online, Cashflow)
Digital (Design, Content, Paid or Organic Marketing)
Table Tennis (or Ping Pong/Whiff Whaff as you prefer)
Bacon and Mushroom (and associated breakfast foods)
Anything Design or Marketing related (anything!!! from websites to print)
Football (Australian Rules included)
Aircooled Volkswagens (especially double cabs)
Surveys (Great way of engaging with your Leadership Team, Staff and Clients)
Doughnuts (eatable not car spins)
I am always around on WhatsApp, Zoom, Facetime or HouseParty...
Let's Chat
Thanks for getting in contact, Ill get back to you via email and we can organise an informal meeting
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